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She was alone traducir portugués

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But she was alone.
Mas estava sozinha.
A little girl, Tina who was afraid, because she thought she was alone.
Uma garotinha, Tina... que tinha medo, pois achava que era só.
My niece opened the door leading onto the stairs and started to climb without looking at the officer as if she was alone
A minha sobrinha abriu a porta que dá para a escada e subiu, sem olhar para o oficial, como se estivesse sozinha.
But she was alone, sir.
Mas ela vinha sozinha, senhor.
She was alone again.
Ela estava sozinha outra vez.
She was alone for two days, and then they came and took her away.
Ficou sozinha dois dias. Então, eles vieram e a levaram.
I thought she was alone.
Pensava que estava sozinha.
But they knew that she was alone for the moral, it was alone what they made.
Mas eles sabiam que era só pelo moral, era só o que faziam.
She was alone.
Ela estava sozinha.
She was alone in Mr. Parks's car and... Well, I'm-I'm afraid she's dead.
Estava sozinha no carro do Sr. Parks e lamento, mas morreu.
No, I know the situation was suspicious, but she was alone.
Não... Sei que a situação era suspeita... Mas estava sozinha.
She was alone and that pleased me.
Ela estava sozinha e isso agradou-me.
She was alone on a bed, dying.
Estava sozinha numa cama, a morrer...
She was alone.
Ela estava só.
She told me she enjoyed polishing it when she was alone.
Ele disse-me gostava de a poli-la quando estava sózinha.
Then the woman was alone. And then she went quickly away.
Então, a mulher ficou sozinha e foi embora depressa.
She was, so long as you left us alone, Hmm.
E foi, quando tu nos deixavas em paz.
Kay was alone in the lower hall, but she was looking up at me as if...
A Kay estava sozinha no vestíbulo, mas... olhava para cima, para mim, como se...
It pleased me to know she was home... till I saw she was not alone.
Agradou-me saber que estava em casa... até que vi que ela não estava só.
She was traveling alone.
Ela vinha na carruagem!
A good-looking dame sitting in a car all alone. Yeah? What was she doing?
Uma mulher bonita, sozinha num carro.
- That's got it. Yes, now I come to think of it, she always was alone.
Sim, agora que penso nisso, estava sempre sozinha.
- Was she alone?
- Estava sozinha?
Then left her broke and alone in Chicago when she was gonna have a baby.
Depois deixou-a falida e só em Chicago quando ela estava grávida.
- Was she alone?
- Estava só?
After all, the girl was alone in the apartment... and she may very well have decided... to simply sleep instead of work that morning.
Afinal, a rapariga estava sózinha no apartamento... e pode muito bem ter decidido... muito simplesmente dormir em vez de trabalhar naquela manhã.
I guess she was trying to work out in her own mind why I ran and left her alone like that.
Eu acho que ela estava tentando descobrir o motivo pelo qual eu corri e a deixei sozinha daquele maneira.
But when she saw this kid killin'his father, she was in the house alone.
Mas quando ela viu o miúdo matar o pai, ela estava sozinha em casa.
She thought it was about time that you had a weekend alone, the both of you.
Achou que está na hora de terem um fim-de-semana a sós.
She was trying to tell us to leave her baby alone.
Tentava dizer-nos que deixássemos a cria dela em paz.
Now, as if she knew what was required of her she started going out alone, sometimes for days at a time only returning when she was hungry.
Então, como se ela soubesse o que se esperava dela... começou a sair sózinha, às vezes por alguns dias... e só voltava quando estava com fome.
She was all alone, poor thing.
Essa também estava só, a pobre.
She was our first offensive one in Pacific and alone we had a division.
Era a nossa primeira ofensiva no Pacífico e só tínhamos uma divisão.
She told me she was all alone.
Ela disse-me que estava sozinha.
She was all alone, poor creature.
Estava sozinha, pobre criatura.
The last time I saw her, she was sittin'over there on her bed all alone.
A última vez que a vi ela estava sentada na cama, sozinha.
After she was buried, the priest came in I was there alone. I don't think he saw me.
Depois de ela ter sido sepultada, o padre entrou e eu estava ali, sozinha.
He was never entirely alone with Julia but he saw to it that she was included in most things they did.
Quase nunca ficava a sós com Julia, mas certificava-se de que ela era incluída em quase tudo o que faziam.
She was here alone, to think. Think? Think?
Você não a matou, Thomas.
She was in the autopsy theatre, all alone.
Estava sozinha no laboratório.
It is certain, therefore, that your sister was alone when she met her end?
É portanto certo que a sua irmã estava sozinha quando encontrou o seu fim.
Then later at the ballet she was sitting all alone.
Depois, no ballet, vi-a sozinha.
We made this date and I remembered it was Mama Dell's birthday so I called her and I found out she's gonna be all alone on her 85th birthday.
Nós marcamos este encontro e eu lembrei que era aniversário da Mama Dell... então liguei para ela e soube que ela passaria o 85º aniversário sozinha.
When I learned that she was new to Miami and alone, I- - I offered her a place to stay until she got settled.
Quando soube que ela era nova em Miami, e estava sozinha, ofereci-lhe um local para ficar até arranjar um lugar dela.
- Was she alone?
- Ela estava sozinha?
She must've known I was only doing it for her... so she wouldn't have to slip into that world completely alone.
Ela deve ter percebido que só fazia aquilo por ela. Para que ela não caísse sozinha naquele mundo.
She was not alone.
Ele não estava só.
But was she alone or talking to somebody?
Mas ela estava sozinha ou falava com alguém?
Was she alone or with someone?
Mas estava sozinha ou com alguém?
Maybe I was flattered, vulnerable. Maybe because she was helpless and alone.
Acho que fiquei lisonjeado, estava vulnerável... talvez porque ela estivesse desamparada e sozinha... eu não sei.
She was afraid of being left alone.
Ela tinha medo de ser deixada sozinha.

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