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She was angry traducir portugués

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I thought that she was angry at you.
Pensei que ela estivesse zangada consigo.
But then, she was angry.
Mas depois ficou zangada.
" but she was such a horrid, frightening woman when she was angry,
" mas ela metia tanto medo quando estava zangada,
Well, she was angry.
Ela ficou zangada.
So she was angry seven months ago.
Ela estava zangada há sete meses.
She was angry.
Ela zangou-se.
She was angry.
Pareceu-me bastante chateado.
She was angry.
Estava zangada.
She was angry, she wanted to play on the soccer team, she wanted a life.
Ela estava zangada. Queria jogar futebol queria uma vida.
I think she was angry because I remarried after her father died.
Penso que se zangou porque voltei a casar depois do pai dela ter morrido.
- Because she was angry at me.
Porque estava enojada comigo.
Well, she was angry. But, she wasn't completely without reason.
Ela estava zangada, mas até tinha uma certa razão.
That was just a reward from Dolores - maybe she liked the song - and if you hated me as much as you pretend you wouldn't be angry at all.
Foi só uma recompensa da Dolores. Talvez tenha gostado da canção. Se me odeias tanto quanto dizes, não devias zangar-te.
And she obviously enjoyed herself so much that it was difficult to be angry with her.
E óbviamente ela divertia-se tanto que era difícil ficar irritado com ela.
Or when she was revoltingly drunk... sick or just angry.
Ou quando ela estava bêbada, doente, ou só zangada.
I've never been angry with her before, but she knew who was out there, of that I'm sure.
Nunca me tinha zangado com ela. Mas ela sabia quem estava lá fora, isso garanto.
You guys, uh... you guys don't think she was just a tad angry with us, do you?
Rapazes! não acham que ela está zangada connosco?
Mum was angry She shouted at me all day long
A mamã estava chateada. Ela gritou o dia todo.
- In fact... when you told her that you thought your mother was pushing her too hard, she got angry at you, isn't that true?
Aliás, quando lhe disse que achava que a vossa mãe estava a exigir muito dela, ela ficou zangada consigo, verdade?
Tita was so angry with Rosaura's plans for Esperanza that she wished her sister had never allowed those disgusting, repulsive, and revolting words to escape from her mouth.
Tita ficou tão zangada com os planos de Rosaura para a filha que desejou que a irmã nunca tivesse deixado escapar palavras tão repugnantes, maldosas, indecentes e repelentes.
Did Angela ever mention anyone that she was angry with, that she didn't like?
- Sim?
She was so angry with him that she turned him into a deer.
Ela estava tão chateada com ele, que transformou-o num veado.
She was killed by an angry mob in Prague.
Ela foi morta por uma multidão enfurecida em Praga.
Well, she claimed to be angry with me last night, but I don't know... -... there was something else in her eyes.
Ela disse ter ficado chateada comigo ontem, mas eu não sei havia lago nos seus olhos.
She was a very angry woman.
Era uma mulher muito zangada.
She was afraid you'd get angry.
Receava que te zangasses.
She was always angry, was Aunt Aggie.
A tia Aggie estava sempre zangada.
I tried to reason with her but she was very angry.
Tentei conversar com ela, mas ela estava muito zangada.
She was upset, but not angry.
- Ela pôs-se assim para ti.
Well, she was clearly desperate, but she was also extremely angry, and she lets her son John feel the rough edge of her tongue, which is extremely rough indeed.
Ela estava claramente desesperada, mas estava também extremamente furiosa, e algumas linhas mais abaixo, repreende duramente o seu filho John.
she was the only angry New Yorker for miles.
Era a única nova-iorquina irada num espaço de quilómetros.
No question she'd be angry about the president asking her to apologize. But at the moment, that was Leo's problem.
É claro que estava irritada por o Presidente exigir uma desculpa, mas, naquele momento, isso era problema do Leo.
Well, when we divorced a decade ago... she was very angry.
Bem, quando divorciámo-nos à uma década... ela estava muito furiosa.
When she left, he was so angry, he drove all night and he pushed his jeep off a cliff because he was so crazy.
Quando ela foi embora, ele ficou tão zangado que viajou a noite toda... e lançou o Jeep por uma ribanceira por estar tão furioso.
Tell me. Was she angry?
Diga-me, ela ficou zangada?
My wife's cousin was a very angry person, but she never showed it.
A prima da minha mulher era muito revoltada, mas nunca o mostrou.
She was very angry about it.
Ficou muito zangada.
Actually, Lindsay was so upset at Michael... that she tried meditating to calm herself... but ended up taking a two-hour angry nap.
A Lindsay estava tão fula com o Michael... que tentou a meditação para se acalmar, mas acabou por tirar uma furiosa soneca de duas horas.
Man, she was angry.
Ela estava zangada.
Yeah, but that was when she was just helping Richard. She wasn't yanking souls away from angry demons.
Sim, mas isso foi quando ela estava só a ajudar o Richard e não a arrancar almas a demónios zangados.
I tried to call Nate's mom, but I guess she was hurt when I got angry about the peanut butter.
Tentei ligar à mãe do Nate, mas deve ter ficado magoada por causa da manteiga.
Yesterday, her boyfriend, Jack Reese, a Navy lieutenant commander was reassigned from a White House position and she was very angry about it.
Ontem, o namorado dela, Jack Reese, um primeiro-tenente da Marinha, foi transferido da Casa Branca, e ela ficou furiosa.
She was so angry, she never spoke to me for my first three years.
Tinha tanta raiva que nunca falou comigo até aos meus três anos.
After her brother was cut down in'Nam... she was devastated and then she got so angry.
Depois do irmão dela ter sido estropiado no Vietname, ela ficou devastada e ficou zangada.
She has this theory that Clark was angry with your father for not allowing you guys to be together.
Tem uma teoria de que o Clark estava zangado com o teu pai por não vos deixar ficarem juntos.
Was she angry?
Ela estava zangada?
It was she who had made him so angry that afternoon that he had backed out of his garage without looking and run over his infant child.
Meu Deus! Que estás a fazer? Ela diz que tenho de sair com ela, senão, chumbo.
Why was it making Betsy suffer so? What did she do to make it so angry?
Por que estava fazendo Betsy sofrer tanto, o que ela fez para torná-lo tão zangando?
She was still angry at me for posting her on that cheater's website.
Ela ainda estava zangada comigo por tê-la postado naquele site.
- All this time I thought God was talking to me. And then I saw you tonight. And I saw the way you looked at her when she made you angry.
Durante este tempo pensei que Deus falava comigo, mas depois vi-te esta noite, e vi a maneira como olhaste para ela quando ela te irritou.
She was very very angry.
Muito, muito zangada.

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