You made me Çeviri İspanyolca
15,892 parallel translation
You made me feel like I could be whoever I wanted.
Me hicieron sentir que podía ser quien quisiera.
- You made me jump.
- Me asustaste.
You made me lose them again!
¡ Me has hecho perderlos otra vez!
And you made me dinner?
Y ¿ me preparaste la cena?
- you made me go to school anyway, and- -
- me hiciste ir igual...
You made me think Will was okay, that he was still out there, but he wasn't. He wasn't!
Me hiciste creer que Will estaba bien, que seguía ahí, pero no era así. ¡ No era así!
You made me behave like some kind of lunatic.
Hiciste que me comportara como una especie de lunática.
I can't believe you made me come into this neighborhood carrying $ 20,000 in cash.
No puedo creer que me hicieras venir a este barrio con $ 20.000 en efectivo.
And you made me throw away my phone.
¿ Y me hiciste arrojar mi teléfono?
And I've told you, I haven't made up my mind, OK?
Y te dije que no me decidí, ¿ está bien?
I made sure you'd be safe.
Me aseguré de que estuvieran a salvo.
And I come out and I see you shitting all over the deals I made, looking at me like I'm in your fucking way?
Y salgo y te veo jodiendo todos los tratos que he hecho, mirándome como si estuviera en tu puto camino.
While it makes sense that you would take it out on me, the deal I made with you was more than fair.
Aunque tiene sentido que la proyectes contra mí, el trato que hice contigo fue más que justo.
You might not approve or understand, but they made sense to me at the time.
Es posible que no aprobará o entender, pero tenían sentido para mí en ese momento.
I'm sorry I made you make out with me.
Lamento hacer que te besaras conmigo.
The whole thing has just made me think about what I wanted, what I needed in a relationship to make it work, so in many ways, I'm quite thankful that you came into my life and fucked it up'cause it's better, now.
Todo eso me puso a pensar acerca de lo que quería, lo que necesitaba para que una relación funcionara, así que estoy bastante agradecido de que llegaras a mi vida y la arruinaras, porque todo está mejor ahora.
But now you have made it public and left me with no options.
Pero ahora lo has hecho público y me has dejado sin opciones.
I know I made mistakes, but how much longer will you punish me...
Sé que cometí errores, pero, ¿ cuánto tiempo más me castigarás?
I'm flattered that I've made such a lasting impression on you, but the truth is I don't know what you're talking about.
Me halaga haber hecho una impresión tan permanente en ti, pero la verdad es que no sé de qué estás hablando.
inefficiency in constantly questioning me on things you've already made up your mind about?
En cuestionar constantemente me en las cosas que lo ha tomado una decisión acerca?
You know you should've made me partner a long fucking time ago.
Debiste hacerme socio hace tiempo.
You made up your mind about me a long fucking time ago.
Que te formaste una opinión de mí hace mucho tiempo.
You don't want to kill me, not until I've made that call.
No quieres matarme, no hasta que haga esa llamada.
I woke your assistant and made her tell me where you were.
Desperté a tu asistente e hice que me dijese dónde estabas.
I wonder what would've made you feel you needed to do this.
Me pregunto que te puede haber hecho sentir que necesitabas hacerlo.
And then you stood me up at a bar and broke with me with a text, which I guess I deserve, but it still made me feel like crap.
Y luego me plantaste en un bar y rompiste conmigo con un texto, que supongo que me lo merezco, ¡ pero aún así me hizo sentir como una mierda!
Okay, you can't tell anyone, but Hachette just made me a big offer.
Está bien, no puedes decirle a nadie, pero Hachette acaba de hacerme una gran oferta.
Oh, you were testing me on a thing that I made.
Me probabas con un invento mío.
I'm the one you made fill up the sow's bag this morning.
Me has hecho rellenar la bolsa esta mañana.
Conner convinced me it was gonna be cool, you know, and then I-I made him swear that we were always gonna be tight and then...
Connor me convenció y me juró que siempre seríamos unidos pero...
Are you kidding me? I made the company, okay?
Yo creé la empresa.
In fact I was wondering if it was my interest in anti-Semitism which made you consider me to represent you.
De hecho, me estaba preguntando... si mi interés por el antisemitismo... te hizo considerar el que te representara.
You made all that up to talk to me?
¿ Te inventas todo eso para hablar conmigo?
But the fact that he kept doing that kind of made me go, hmm, you're not so confident.
Pero el que siguiera haciéndolo me hizo pensar : "No estás tan confiado".
If things were different, we could have made a lot of dough, you and me.
En otras circunstancias, habríamos hecho mucha plata juntos.
And then you and Daddy made me.
Y luego tú y papá me hicisteis a mí.
You just made my night.
Ustedes me alegraron la noche.
I know you don't want me visiting you at work, but I have to tell you... I made a mistake.
Sé que no quería que me visitaras en mi trabajo, pero tengo que decírtelo... me equivoqué.
I love talking to you, Axe, and you made us a shit ton of money, but... I need to keep things nice and comfy...
Me encanta hablar contigo, Axe, y nos has hecho un montón de dinero, pero... necesito mantener las cosas agradables y cómodas...
I made some pretty wild decisions in my life that a parent would, you know, probably walk away from but she kind of stuck by me.
Tomé decisiones alocadas en mi vida, decisiones de las que cualquier padre se alejaría, pero ella se quedó conmigo.
You made fun of one of my friends for being gay, and now you hear me sing and it's, like, all good?
Te burlaste de uno de mis amigos por ser homosexual, ahora me oyes cantar y, ¿ está todo bien?
You made something for me?
¿ Me hiciste algo?
What, you had something made for me?
¿ Arreglaste que me hicieran algo?
You've made a habit of lying to me, Greg.
Has convertido en un hábito el mentirme, Greg.
And if I have ever made you feel otherwise, then that is on me.
Y si alguna vez te hice sentir otra cosa, es mi culpa.
You say that he made you do it, let him take the rap, and I'll make sure you never go back to juvie.
Tú dices que te obligó a hacerlo, déjalo recibir la culpa, y me aseguraré de que no vuelvas nunca más a la juve.
Diane made one choice, and you're not.
Diane me ha elegido a mí. - Y no lo asimilas.
And I've been made to understand that you're the reasonable board members who see how tenuous the future of YumTime is.
Y me han hecho ver que ustedes son los miembros del consejo razonables que ven lo frágil que es el futuro de YumTime.
Do you think you would've made it out of the Griffith Park Observatory without me?
¿ Crees que habrías hecho del Observatorio Griffith Park sin mí?
You've made promises to me before, darling.
Usted ha hecho promesas Para mí antes, querida.
You blame me for the choices that you have made.
Me culpas por las decisiones que usted ha hecho.
you made me a promise 19
you made it 730
you made your bed 27
you made your point 111
you made a mistake 169
you made your choice 40
you made the right decision 46
you made the right choice 44
you made a promise 37
you made it up 29
you made it 730
you made your bed 27
you made your point 111
you made a mistake 169
you made your choice 40
you made the right decision 46
you made the right choice 44
you made a promise 37
you made it up 29
you made a choice 27
you made a commitment 17
you made the right call 27
you made sure of that 16
you made this 52
you made 28
you made that up 37
you made bail 25
you made a deal 26
you made them 16
you made a commitment 17
you made the right call 27
you made sure of that 16
you made this 52
you made 28
you made that up 37
you made bail 25
you made a deal 26
you made them 16