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Translate.vc / English → French / [ W ] / We both were

We both were translate French

1,600 parallel translation
You know, I was thinking about the last time I spoke to him, how angry we both were,
Tu sais, je repensais à la dernière où je lui avais parlé, à quel point on était en colère,
Actually, we both were.
On l'est tous les deux.
Tell them you were driving the car. I'd be confessing we both committed perjury, which is a felony... and then what happens to my husband and his command... and what happens to your husband and his team, and to the Unit?
J'avouerai que nous avons commis toutes les 2 un parjure, ce qui est un crime, et qu'arrivera-t-il à mon mari et son commandement, et qu'arrivera-t-il à votre mari et à l'Unité?
Only to say that we had a lifestyle when we were together and I - regret both of those things very deeply.
Juste pour dire qu'on avait un style de vie lorsque nous étions ensemble, et que je regrette profondément ces deux choses.
And it was hot, so we were both fucking sweating.
Très hard. Il faisait chaud, on était en sueur, et...
Obviously, we both thought that we were going to...
A l'évidence, on pensait tous les deux que nous allions...
You and I, we were both called forth to fulfill certain duties.
Nous sommes ici pour remplir le rôle qui nous a été confié.
We were both in America.
On était ensemble aux États-Unis.
We were both on acid, a drug entirely different from ecstasy which basically makes you get on with everybody.
on était tous Ies deux sous LSD. C'est une drogue différente de l'exta, où tu t'entends avec tout Ie monde.
We were both so in debt.
Nous étions tous deux si endettés.
And, uh, we were both angling for it.
Et... on le désirait tous les deux.
Frobisher and Genow were both in Florida the weekend prior to the sell off. We don't have a case unless we can connect
Notre défense ne tient pas à moins de pouvoir lier
Now, we were both rangers. That bond goes deep.
On etait Rangers, tous les deux.
Maybe I would feel better if we were both on solid ground, and I could say, " who's donna?
Peut-être que je me sentirais mieux si on était tous les deux sur la terre ferme, et que je lui demandais " qui est Donna?
When we started this, we were both separated, all right?
Quand on a commencé notre relation, nous étions tout deux séparés, d'accord?
We were both really drunk and making a loud racket underneath the sheets at this motel.
On était tous les deux ivres et on faisait beaucoup de bruit sous les draps dans ce motel.
We were both loved by our parents.
Nos parents nous aimaient.
We were moving towards the mortar truck and they were waiting, they were waiting on both sides of it for us.
On s'est approchés du camion du mortier. Et ils attendaient, ils nous ont encerclés.
Actually, we both won'cause we were on the same team.
En fait, on a tous les deux gagné. Alors on est tous les deux sauvés.
Both our hands were a little damp, so it made that farty noise and we giggled.
Nos mains étaient moites, et ça faisait le bruit d'un pet - et on s'est bidonnés.
We were both terrified because either one of us could back out at the last second, leaving the other kissing the air and feeling like a fool.
On était terrifiés, car on ne pouvait pas reculer au dernier moment et laisser l'autre se ridiculiser en embrassant l'air.
My hands were trying to keep you warm, your hands were keeping me warm, and we both got, you know, excited, and we left the game in the seventh inning'cause we couldn't wait to get home to have sex.
J'essayais de te réchauffer, et tu essayais de me réchauffer et nous étions, tous deux... tu sais... excités et... nous avons quitté le match au 7ème quart-temps car on était pressés de faire l'amour.
We were both working at this pizza joint.
On bossait dans une pizzeria.
- We were both married- -
- Que nous étions toutes deux mariées...
We were both in that Montreal painting.
Nous étions tous les deux sur cette peinture.
We were both down in that chamber.
Nous étions tous les deux en bas.
We were laughing. I told him a joke, and we both just started laughing.
On riait, je lui ai raconté une blague, et on a rigolé.
We were both probably right.
On avait tous les deux raison.
You know, I met her at Grand Central station, and we were both waiting for a train.
Je l'ai rencontrée à la Gare Centrale. Nous attendions le train.
- Oh, Lucien, we were both drunk.
- Voyons, on avait trop bu.
So we were both in the pool...
Alors on nageait tous les deux dans la piscine...
We were looking for idiosyncratic phrases and word choices with a high degree of similarity in both documents.
On a cherché des expressions, des mots identiques dans les deux documents.
Only like you, I didn't get anything on my hands. That's because we were both wearing gloves, though for different reasons, when we were standing in the poison oak over Maggie Scott's body.
Et comme vous, je n'ai rien sur mes mains, parce que nous portions des gants, pour des motifs différents, quand on a marché dans le sumac vénéneux près du corps de Maggie.
We were just saying how tough this must be for you both.
Nous disions justement combien cela doit être dur pour vous.
When you had nothing and we were both extras, we had more of a laugh
Quand t'étais pauvre, qu'on était figurants, on rigolait.
We've both known it since we were kids.
On le sait depuis qu'on est petits. On va parfaitement bien ensemble.
Freshman year, we were both pretty drunk?
Première année, on avait tous les deux beaucoup bu?
We were both angry before.
Moi aussi. Ne t'en fais pas.
We both know the mujaheddin insurgents were set on disrupting the peace.
Nous savons que les insurgés Mujahedins étaient prêts à rompre la paix.
We were gonna room together this year, but then we both drew the sophomore singles, which rock.
On voulait partager une chambre, mais au final, on a eu droit aux piaules individuelles, ça déchire!
Look, we were both good to go until like an hour ago.
Écoutez, il était d'accord aussi, jusqu'à il y a une heure.
When we were both quite young, I was 20, and she a year or two above, my mother lay dying.
Quand nous étions toutes jeunes toutes les deux j'avais 20 ans et elle une année ou deux de plus ma mère est morte.
We were both too young at the time.
Nous étions tous les deux très jeunes, â l'époque.
And we were both absolutely terrified.
On était terrifiées.
Yeah, so did I. I guess we were both wrong.
Ouais, moi aussi. Je suppose qu'on s'est trompés tous les deux.
No, I told her we were both there.
- Non, elle m'a demandé qui était à l'hôpital.
- We were both students of Dutch.
- On est tous les deux néerlandicistes.
As for both of you are shit, Maybe if we were asked to each other.
Vu qu'on est toutes les deux des merdes, ça veut dire qu'on se mérite.
We were both in love with her.
On était tous les deux amoureux d'elle.
The next time we were both in the same room without one of us being asleep.
À notre prochaine rencontre ensemble dans une pièce sans que l'autre ne soit endormi.
We were both so scared.
On avait tous les deux tellement peur.

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