You made that up перевод на португальский
719 параллельный перевод
You made that up? - Yes.
- Foi você que compôz isso?
You made that up fast.
Mudas de assunto muito rápido.
You made that up.
Voce inventou essa.
I don't believe that - I - I think you made that up, I think you are lying.
Acho que você está mentindo!
But the minute he started doing better, you know what I mean... why, he made me give up my job and take a trip to London and Paris... and.... I think that was pretty swell, don't you?
Mas assim que ele começou a ganhar mais, percebe o que digo, obrigou-me a desistir do emprego e viajar para Londres, Paris... e... acho que foi uma maravilha, não acha?
If you've made up your mind, that's that.
Se já decidiu, é isso.
Well, what is it that makes him, or you, think... that an organization like this, made up of well-meaning amateurs... buck up against those tough military boys of Europe?
Bem, o que é que o faz a ele, ou a você, pensar... que uma organização como esta, constituída por amadores bem intencionados... está à altura contra aqueles militares duros da Europa?
You made that up.
Isso foram vocês que o inventaram.
But if you've made up your mind to go back to flying, that's all there is to it. Thank you, sir.
- Obrigado, senhor.
Because I'd made up my mind even then that I was going to marry you.
Porque já tinha decidido que ia casar contigo.
I just made that up to get you over here.
Fui eu que representei para o fazer vir aqui.
That was the thing that set you off. That stirred up your old guilt complex and made you think that you'd killed him.
Foi isso que te perturbou, que começou o teu complexo de culpa que te fez pensar que o tivesses morto.
And now at last, because Victoria has finally made up her mind that you, Oliver, are the one and only one for her, I hereby pronounce you man and...
E agora, finalmente, porque a Victoria lá se decidiu... que tu, Oliver, és o homem da vida dela, declaro-vos marido e...
She's been so devoted to the family that's she's been sending money for more than twenty years, to me, and to those brothers and sister you made up.
Tem sido tão extremosa com a família que há mais de vinte anos nos manda dinheiro, para mim, e para esses tais irmãos que vocês inventaram.
You think I made that up about the gun, don't you?
Achas que inventei aquilo da pistola, não achas?
So you just made up that little bit about the shoes, huh?
Então você acabou de fazer a história de sapatos?
You've never met anyone up'til now that made you think of it?
Você nunca conheceu alguém que a fez pensar?
That piece you made up when we was leavin'the green hills of Tennessee.
O que compôs quando partimos das colinas do Tennessee.
You made aÉÉ that up?
Énventaste tudo isto?
That you just made up!
Que acabou de inventar!
Made up your mind what you're gonna do now that you're out of the Army?
Já tens uma ideia do que vais fazer, agora que já não estás no exército?
I understand that you and Frank Dowling made up that shipment together.
Eu entendo que você e Frank Dowling fizeram o carregamento juntos.
You have no right to assume that the court has made up its mind without a fair trial.
Não tem direito de dizer que o tribunal decidiu sem um julgamento justo.
That did occur to me until the others had made up their minds to murder you.
Isso ocorreu-me... até descobrir que os outros tinham decidido assassiná-lo.
É o que tu és. Como me fui envolver contigo? Já tenho bastantes problemas.
Well, you see, our community is made up of people who've worked hard as the dickens to build up that little community.
Nossa comunidade é de pessoas que deram duro por anos para construí-la.
You're a bleedin'man! Aren't you going to say anything? You made a right bloody muck-up of that loose forward!
És um homem! Não vais dizer nada? Deste uma bela lição ao flanqueador...
You portrayed me as an idiot in an interview that was entirely made up.
Retrataste-me como um idiota numa entrevista totalmente inventada.
If you reach out to touch it, you'd discover that the flower was not a flower at all, but a design made up of hundreds of tiny insects called fattid bugs.
Se tentares tocar-lhe, descobres que a flor não é uma flor, mas uma formação de centenas de pequenos insectos.
He'll give you a suitcase that's been made up especially as a cover for you to act as a passenger.
Ele vai lhe dar uma mala que será o disfarce para parecer um passageiro.
I was thinking, that day when I hanged you up on the gate and I made you an invitation to come to Cocatlan,
Estava aqui a pensar... Naquele dia em que o pendurei naquela árvore... e lhe convidei a vir a Cocatlan... não achei que fosse aceitar o meu convite.
You know who made up that rule?
Sabe quem inventou esta regra?
You should have seen how I made a sucker out of Old Stripes with that left up in his face.
Devias ter visto como arrumei com o Riscado com uma esquerda em cheio na cara.
- You already made up your mind and you're trying to change mine by getting me onto that bed.
- Já decidiu, e tenta fazer-me mudar de opinião levando-me para a cama.
I know what they cut of but at least I do ; nt terne back our bathos on them ha, ah that's something else you soldier boy's made up
E cortar mäos, e pés, e cortar... Sei o que cortam. Mas pelo menos näo os transformem em tabaqueiras.
Their made-up faces and enigmatic expressions the maskes of drunkards, the shouting, wild laughs, idiotic and cruel jokes... reminded me of some strange and weird people... that you see all over the district.
Aqueles rostos de gesso e a expressão enigmática, como máscaras estrábicas bêbadas, os gritos, as risadas diabólicas, os truques bobos e cruéis... faziam-me lembrar outros personagens estranhos e inquietantes... que se encontram em todos os povos da província.
You know, when them gentlemen came up here and made me that offer there was a whole lot of things that we didn't take into consideration.
Sabe, quando aqueles cavalheiros me fizeram aquela oferta... havia muitas coisas que não levamos em consideração.
- The man up there, he said he'd like it better if he could go in to the judge and tell him... that you'd made one good case for Uncle and you were working on some others.
Aquele tipo, ele disse que preferia contar ao juiz... que tu fizeste um bom trabalho para o Tio e que vais colaborar mais.
And I finally managed to dig up some hidden accounts... on that last picture you made in Italy.
E acabei por desenterrar umas contas escondidas do último filme que rodaste em Itália.
If you believe there is a God that made your body, then why do you keep telling children to cover up, that the body is dirty?
Se acredita nisso, porque é que continua a dizer às crianças para se taparem, que o corpo é sujo?
Ed I thought I'd take you up on that offer you made to have lunch sometime.
Ed... aceitarei esse convite que me fez a almoçar.
That's why we've made up an obscure private from the ranks to look like you.
Por isso disfarçámos um soldado para que se parecesse consigo.
If you were asked to sum up what it was that made David such a good journalist what would you say?
Se pedissem para resumir... o que fazia de David um bom jornalista... o que você diria?
For my first song, I'd Iike to sing for you... this real catchy tune that.... I made it up.
Para começar, gostaria de vos cantar... uma melodia que... eu compus.
I don't believe for a moment that you made the whole thing up.
Nem por um momento acredito que tenha inventado aquela história.
You will also tell me that I've made up all of these allegations but then I will show the document that proves the contrary and all of this will turn against you.
O senhor poderá dizer também que tudo é invenção minha. Mas eu posso mostrar um documento autêntico que prova o contrário e aí então, tudo se voltará contra o senhor.
I must say that I am very much pleased to find that you entirely agree with me for her modest manner and her gentleness have won my heart and I have made up my mind to marry her, provided I find she has some dowry.
Fico feliz por concordares, porque a sua honestidade e doçura conquistaram-me a alma, e estou decidido a casar com ela, desde que isso me beneficie.
I admit I made that up, about you locking your wife and children in, sir.
Confesso que menti dizendo que o bispo matou a sua esposa.
I made that up. You did not.
Não inventaste nada.
I believe, Mr. Holmes, that you've already made up your mind.
Creio, Sr. Holmes, que já chegou a uma conclusão.
I just thought it was time that you and I kissed and made up.
Achei que era altura de darmos um beijo e de fazermos as pazes.
you made it 730
you made your bed 27
you made your point 111
you made a mistake 169
you made your choice 40
you made the right decision 46
you made the right choice 44
you made a promise 37
you made it up 29
you made me 53
you made your bed 27
you made your point 111
you made a mistake 169
you made your choice 40
you made the right decision 46
you made the right choice 44
you made a promise 37
you made it up 29
you made me 53
you made me a promise 19
you made a choice 27
you made a commitment 17
you made the right call 27
you made this 52
you made sure of that 16
you made 28
you made bail 25
you made a deal 26
you made them 16
you made a choice 27
you made a commitment 17
you made the right call 27
you made this 52
you made sure of that 16
you made 28
you made bail 25
you made a deal 26
you made them 16
you made that 16
you mean 3569
you mean everything to me 17
you motherfucker 331
you make me happy 42
you mean it 157
you meant 25
you mean right now 22
you mean me 104
you mean you don't know 16
you mean 3569
you mean everything to me 17
you motherfucker 331
you make me happy 42
you mean it 157
you meant 25
you mean right now 22
you mean me 104
you mean you don't know 16