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Shut case Çeviri İspanyolca

335 parallel translation
Stil, it is not an open and shut case,
De todas maneras, es mejor dejar el caso abierto.
Well, boys, an open-and-shut case if ever there was one.
Bueno, chicos, esto sí que fue abrir y cerrar un caso.
An open-and-shut case.
Un caso claro.
I'm getting a real in with the family... and I'm developing an open-and-shut case.
Ya soy bastante amigo de la familia... y estoy ideando un caso fácil.
Open-and-shut case.
Es un caso rápido.
Thank you, Professor I am not in the dark I see an open and shut case.
Gracias. Profesor. Yo lo veo todo muy claro y creo que el caso esta resuelto.
- Open-and-shut case.
- Un caso fácil de resolver.
I'm getting a real in with the family, working up to an open-and-shut case.
Estoy consiguiendo entrar en la familia de verdad, elaborando un caso fácil de resolver.
It's what the law books call an open and shut case.
Según los libros de derecho es un caso abierto y cerrado.
- It was a routine, open-and-shut case... until it turned out there was no record that they'd ever been married in the first place.
- Era un caso rutinario... hasta que se vio que no había constancia de que estuvieran casados.
I don't think there'll be much for you to do. It's an open-and-shut case.
No creo que pueda hacer mucho, es un caso abierto y cerrado.
You're being held on suspicion of murder... and whether you cooperate or not, Henry... by the time the District Attorney's office gets hold of you... I'm gonna have an open and shut case for them.
Sospechamos que cometiste homicidio... y ya sea que cooperes o no... para cuando te entreguemos a la fiscalía... tendremos todas las pruebas necesarias.
Those lawyers talk and talk, even when it's an open-and-shut case like this one.
Esos abogados no paran de hablar, incluso con un caso tan claro como éste.
It's an open-and-shut case, sir, just like I said.
Es un caso clarísimo, tal como dije.
It's an open-and-shut case.
Es un caso clarísimo.
They haven't a leg to stand on, it's an open and shut case
No tienen en qué apoyarse, es un caso clarísimo.
- It's an open and shut case.
- Es un caso abierto y cerrado.
If ever there was an open-and-shut case, this was it.
Parecía que este caso tendría que haber sido muy sencillo.
This is an open-and-shut case of premeditated fraud, and I demand justice!
¡ Es un caso simple de fraude premeditado y exijo justicia!
My dear, there's no doubt in my mind that we have here an absolutely clear-cut prima facie open-and-shut case.
Querida, no cabe duda de que aquí tenemos un argumento de peso.
No. Three months ago we had an open-and-shut case against Mondebello.
Hace tres meses tuvimos un caso en contra de Mondebello.
It's an open-and-shut case.
Es un caso evidente.
Oh, well, every open-and-shut case has its loophole.
Todo caso cerrado tiene sus lagunas.
It was an open-and-shut case, Chief- - except for one thing.
Era un caso fácil, jefe excepto por una cosa.
An open and shut case, but things are not always what they seem, Inspector. Why, in The Mystery of the Grand Dummy,
Me parecería clarísimo, pero las apariencias engañan.
Commander, it's an open and shut case.
Comandante, es un caso claro.
It's very much an open and shut case, is it not?
El caso está clarísimo, ¿ no lo cree así?
This is an open and shut case.
Esto es un abuso clarísimo.
I don't mean to tell you your job, but I have an open-and-shut case.
No quisiera ser entrometido, pero es un caso muy sencillo.
There's no such thing as an open-and - shut case where custody is involved.
No hay casos sencillos cuando se trata de custodia.
I don't understand why the hell... you're so damn interested in an open and shut case.
No comprendo por qué está tan interesado... en un caso resuelto y cerrado.
That's an open and shut case, you probably get a medal and everything.
Es un caso clarísimo. - Te darán una medalla.
Exhibit A. It's an open-and-shut case.
Elemento de prueba A. Es un caso obvio.
Well, now, we've got an open and shut case. We've got a blown away teddy bear shot by person or persons unknown, a lot more mystery, and me,
Bueno ahora tenemos un caso oficial de un osito de peluche baleado al que le dispararon personas, desconocidas.
For 20 years now, I've been a newspaperman, but I've never seen a case as shut as this.
Llevo 20 años en periodismo y nunca vi un caso tan cerrado como éste.
In that case, better shut up.
En ese caso, mejor cállate.
Well, for the moment, it looks like our case is shut.
Creo que, de momento, tengamos que cerrar el caso.
Well, in that case, he'll just have to stay shut up for a few weeks.
Bien, en ese caso, tendremos que dejarle encerrado unas semanas.
I'm just trying to suggest, sir, that this case is so open-and-shut we don't even need a court-martial.
Me permito sugerir que este caso es tan fácil y tan claro... Ah, ya sé.
In that case, shut up and sleep.
Entonces cállate y duerme.
Shut the case.
Se cierra el maletín.
In that case I will keep my mouth shut.
Iría a lo mío y me lo callaría.
I'll shut this in case Dorothy goes by.
Cerraré por si Dorothy pasa por aquí.
- He just may have a case. - I'd say open and shut.
El coronel Lambert es el comandante de esta base.
If the chimpanzee keeps his mouth shut, the case stays open.
Si el chimpancé cierra la boca, el caso sigue abierto
In that case, why don't you go to that last table... sit down, shut up, and don't move?
En ese caso, ¿ por qué no te vas a la última mesa, te sientas, te callas y te estás quietecito?
- In that case, sit down and shut up.
- En ese caso, siéntate y cállate.
Oh, well, in that case, shut up!
Pues, en ese caso, ¡ cállate!
Put there in case a guard ever got shut in by mistake.
Lo pusieron ahí por si algún guarda se encerraba por error.
You wanna shut us down, pal, you better have a court order... because we've been busting our hump on this case for over two months now.
Si quieres relevarnos, amigo, consigue una orden del juez... porque hace más de dos meses que estamos deslomándonos con este caso.
If that's the case, then why don't you just shut up?
Si ése es el caso, ¿ por qué no te callas?

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