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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ J ] / Just one drink

Just one drink Çeviri İspanyolca

336 parallel translation
- We'll have just one drink and then we'll go.
- Tomaremos una copa y nos iremos.
- Jack, I'm going to give you just one drink, then I'll put you to bed and then I'll take Sadie home.
Jack, sólo te daré una copa. Luego te irás a la cama y llevaré a Sadie a su casa.
Well, Charlie said for just one drink.
Charlie dijo que bebiéramos una copa.
- Just one drink, and then I'll let you go.
- Sólo un trago, y luego puedes irte.
- Just one drink.
- Yo te explicaré. - ¿ Con que me dijo?
At least you might stay and have just one drink.
Quédese y tómese un trago. La terraza es muy agradable.
Just one drink.
Sólo una copa.
Just one drink, then.
Tomaré sólo una, entonces.
Definitely just one drink, then we`ll go.
Sólo una y nos vamos.
Just one drink.
Solo un trago.
We could have had just one drink.
Habríamos tomado sólo un trago.
Just one drink.
Sólo un trago.
- I started off... with just one drink.
¿ Cómo empecé?
I'll stay for just one drink.
- Iré por el whisky.
We'll go there for just one drink, man.
Vamos alli para tomar una copa.
Oh, man. Come in just for just one drink.
Oh, venga, Sólo un trago.
Harry, please, come on, just one drink.
Harry, por favor, vamos, sólo un trago.
And why should you go into a man's room for just one drink... when all you know is, he rides a pretty good elevator, and who am I anyhow, right?
¿ y por qué ir a la habitación de un hombre a tomar algo... cuando lo único que sabes es que toma el ascensor? Además, ¿ quién soy yo?
- Just one drink.
- Sôlo un trago.
- My dear brother, no alcohol, - Just one drink,
- Nada de alcohol.
Just one drink.
Somos libres.
Since I had a drink, I'll just say one thing as a man.
Ya que estamos bebiendo, voy a decir esto como un hombre.
Just one more little drink.
Solo un traguito más.
I take one, too, just so he don't drink alone.
Yo también tomaré uno, para que no beba solo.
You just take one drink, and I hurt you!
- Toma una sola copa y te pego.
Let's have a drink, just a little one.
Ven a tomar una copa, Jigger.
Then let's just say that we were foolish and next time we'll drink to one another's health.
Digamos que hemos hecho el tonto y la próxima vez beberemos a la salud del otro.
So, finally, he said if I'd just take one drink with him, he'd beat it. - So I did.
Por fin dijo, que si yo aceptaba beber una sola copa con él, se marcharía.
If you would just try one swallow... I don't drink.
Señor Director, si quisiera Ud. echar un trago... No, gracias.
I had to have a drink first, just one, only the one didn't do anything to me.
Tenía que tomarme un trago, sólo uno... pero uno no me ha servido de nada.
How about another drink, just a little itsy-bitsy one?
Es pronto. ¿ Qué tal otra copa? ¿ Solo una pequeña?
Mother doesn't like me to drink very much, but maybe just a little one.
A Madre no le gusta mucho que beba, pero quizá sólo un poco, por esta vez.
I only had one drink. Just a little one.
Sólo he tomado un traguito pequeñito.
You weren't kicked by one, you were just trying to drink like one.
No, pero bebiste como una mula.
He don't want the help drinking their dinners. Just eats, one drink apiece.
No quiere que sus empleados tomen más de una bebida por cena.
Just give me one more drink. Please.
Dame un trago más, por favor.
- Stay and have just one more drink.
- Quédate y tómate un trago más.
I just explained that one shouldn't drink this too quickly.
Acabo de explicar que hay que beberlo lentamente.
Maybe if I had a drink, just one, just to strengthen...
tal vez una copa... me calmaría.
Well, I don't really want one, but uh... accepting a drink means that I'm now your guest, and not just an intruder, then, by all means.
Bueno ; en realidad no quiero, pero... aceptar su trago significa que ahora soy su invitado, Y no solo un intruso ; Entonces : por supuesto.
Roger, te comportas como un torpe,... como un tonto, un torpe inmaduro.
- We didn't have a drink yet. Just one- -
- Si no nos hemos tomado la copa...
¤ The world's a sand pebble, the sun just another spark,... ¤ And here I am sharing a drink with Death, and He's the one who treats.
# El mundo es una arenita, el sol es otra chispita, # y a mí me encuentran tomando con la muerte, y ella invita.
Could we have just one more drink before we go?
¿ Podríamos tomar una copa antes de salir?
Come on, General, just one more drink.
Vamos, general, un trago más.
Just one of those things you grin at and drink to.
Es una de esas cosas por la cual sonríes y brindas.
One of the local farmers has probably been up to town, had too much to drink, and has only just now gotten back home.
Probablemente uno de los agricultores locales haya ido a la ciudad. Y después de beber demasiado ahora vuelve a casa.
Just one more drink, and I'll sleep.
Dame otro trago y dormiré, te lo prometo.
Don't you think we could have just one more little drink?
¿ No crees que podríamos tomar otra copa?
She just had one drink and about 5 minutes later, she sits down, she gasps, and then she's dead poor thing!
Tomó una copa, cinco minutos después se sienta, pareciendo sofocarse... ¡ Y al rato está muerta!
- Let me just buy you one drink.
- Dejame comprarte un trago.

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