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Keep the faith translate Portuguese

105 parallel translation
Well, Dr. Wexler, keep the faith with bandages.
Bem, Dr. Wexler, tenha fé, com os curativos.
It is we who keep the faith.
Somos nós que mantemos a fé.
Keep the faith, baby.
- Não percas a fé.
And Brother K, just keep the faith in us, baby... and we'll lead you right on... to glory.
Irmão K, confia em nós, meu, e guiar-te-emos para a glória.
Keep the faith, brothers!
Mantenham a fé!
Keep the faith, Ma'am.
Mantenha a fé, senhora.
Keep the faith, sweetheart.
Tens de ter fé, querida.
Keep the faith. "
Mantém a fé. "
Keep the faith.
Mantenha a esperança!
Keep the faith.
Não percas a fé.
Keep the faith, my friend.
Mantém a fé, meu amigo.
Keep the faith.
Mantém a fé.
Keep the faith, baby, we're waiting for The King.
Mantenham a fé, estamos à espera do Rei.
We have to keep the faith, Quinn.
Temos de manter a fé, Quinn.
- Keep the faith, man.
- Não perca a fé, Ryan.
Hey, Ed, keep the faith,
Hey, Ed, continua aí.
You just do the best you can and keep the faith.
Só tem que fazer o melhor que poder e manter a fé.
Meanwhile, keep the faith.
Enquanto isso, mantenha a fé.
I know we sacrifice so much, but just keep the faith, okay?
Sei que temo-nos sacrificado tanto, mas mantém a fé, está bem?
But I think I wrote this for "Keep the Faith,"
Mas acho que escrevi para "Keep the Faith".
- I think it was "Keep the Faith."
- Maneiro. - Acho que foi "Keep the Faith".
- You think it was "Keep the Faith"?
- Acha que foi "Keep the Faith"? Acho.
- I do. I don't think it was "These Days." I think it was "Keep the Faith."
Não acho que tenha sido "These Days", mas sim "Keep the Faith".
- "Keep the Faith" was...
- "Keep the Faith" foi...
In'92, as we were about to begin recording "Keep the Faith," music had changed.
Em 92, quando estávamos para começar a gravar "Keep the Faith", a música tinha mudado.
With "Keep the Faith" we knew that we had to take control of our own destiny.
Com "Keep the Faith", nós sabíamos que tínhamos que ter o nosso próprio destino sob controle.
"Sympathy" was an outtake from "Keep the Faith."
"Sympathy" ia entrar no âIbum "Keep The Faith".
That was one of 30 songs that we cut for "Keep the Faith."
Esta foi uma de 30 músicas gravadas para "Keep the Faith".
We demoed this for the "Keep the Faith" record.
Fizemos uma fita demo para o âIbum "Keep The Faith".
Keep the faith in humankind.
Mantenha a fé.
Listen, keep the faith, he'll cure the girl.
Olha, o senhor tenha fé, que Nhô João cura a menina, hein?
I know it's hard to keep the faith sometimes, but if you don't give up on Elvis,
Sei que é duro ter fé às vezes, mas se não desistir do Elvis,
I'm gonna keep the faith, Mr. Burden, that's what I'm gonna do.
Vou manter a fé, Sr. Burden, É o que eu vou fazer.
I'm gonna keep the faith in the people, because you know why?
Vou manter a fé Sabes porquê?
As long as I keep faith with the almighty.
Enquanto eu mantiver a minha fé no meu senhor.
If you have faith in your hearts, you'll beg the Blessed Mother to keep them safe.
Se têm fé nos vossos corações peçam à Virgem Mãe que as proteja.
He had me set my hands between his dead hand and his live one, and swear to keep his faith with the Duke.
Fez-me colocar as minhas mãos entre a sua mão morta e a viva e jurar manter a sua palavra para com o Duque.
There must be a way to dispose of him and keep faith with the princess.
Deve haver uma maneira de eliminá-lo e continuar na boa fé da princesa.
Keep the faith.
Guarde a coisa.
If we keep the pain alive, the hate will weaken our faith.
Se mantivermos a dor viva o ódio debilitará a nossa Fé.
Keep the faith.
Tem fé.
Keep the faith, Strannix.
Conserva a fé, Strannix.
Faith poisoned Angel to distract you, to keep you out of the Mayor's way.
A Faith envenenou o Angel para te afastar do caminho do Presidente.
Just keep the faith...
É positiva.
We must keep our faith in the Republic.
Temos de manter a nossa fé na República.
Culp Belling has agreed to cease all legal action against you and the Faith Heritage Alliance, provided you keep quiet about this development and allow us to control the manner in which the recall is presented to the public.
A Culp Belling aceitou retirar a queixa... contra si e a Faith Heritage Alliance, desde que não divulgue estes acontecimentos... e nos permita controlar como... esta retirada será apresentada ao público.
Mein Führer, keep faith in the final victory.
Mein Führer mantenha a fé na vitória final.
I am convinced that this agreement violates the principles that I was brought up with, stands in breach of prior unwritten agreements, is a failure to keep one ´ s word, and stands in bad faith.
Em consciência, eu penso que este acordo viola os princípios em que fui educado, viola acordos previamente estabelecidos embora não reduzidos a escrito, viola a palavra dada, e viola a boa fé.
But then the Amulet was broken and evil in the form of Kargide invaders questing to rule the world spread across Earthsea like a plague, leaving only the priestesses faith and prayer to guard the door and keep the Nameless Ones contained.
Mas então o amuleto foi quebrado... e o mal na forma de invasores Kargide em busca do governo do mundo... espalharam-se pela TerraMar como uma praga. Deixando somente as preces e a fé das sacerdotisas... para guardar a porta e manter os Inomináveis presos.
But, you should keep the key of the house so that you can return. If the Messiah arises and we maintain the faith... What is this?
Mas deve ficar com a chave da sua casa para que possa retornar se o Messias aparecer entre nós e restaurar a fé.
We are making those sacrifices to live the principle, to keep faith.
Sacrificamo-nos para viver sob o Princípio, para manter a Fé.

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