Neither were you translate Russian
93 parallel translation
I wasn't a hero, and neither were you.
Я не был героем, как не были им и Вы.
But then maybe if she wasn't to be trusted, neither were you.
Но тогда, возможно, если ей нельзя было доверять, то нельзя было и вам.
- Neither were you.
- Так же, как и твоя речь.
- Neither were you.
- Также как и ты.
Neither were you, you said.
- Это по вашим словам.
- and neither were you.
- и ты тоже
Then Jeremy, neither were you, none, sorry.
Джереми, то же самое и у тебя. Ничего. Извини.
Neither were you a year ago.
Также, как и ты год назад.
And neither were you.
Так же, как и ты.
Well, neither were you.
- Ребята? ! - Ты не была старшей в Париже.
Well, neither were you.
Что ж, тебя тоже.
Of course, neither were you.
Как и у тебя.
If we weren't here, neither were you.
Если нас здесь не было, то и вас тоже.
If my loyal Skunk were here neither you or I would be prisoners.
Если бы здесь был мой верный Скунс и ты и я были бы уже на свободе!
- You should tell us you were a bastard. - Neither I knew it.
- Родственники прям как у меня.
You were still not born, and I neither, and they were already lighting the bonfires.
Ты ещё не родился, и я тоже, а костры уже разводили.
I knocked at your door, and knocked at Max's, But neither you nor he were in.
Я стучала Вам, Максу, но ни его, ни Вас не было.
You were never a lover of cows, neither.
Ты вроде тоже никогда не был любителем коров.
Neither the staff nor the artists here can remember seeing you on that Saturday afternoon. At which time, I would say, you were attending to some business, yes?
- Ведь днём у Вас было какое-то важное дело?
Yes, Mrs Control has just been on the telephone. And between me and Mrs Control, neither of us seem to know where you were.
Только что я разговаривал с миссис Контрол, и ни она, ни я понятия не имели, где вы
Of course, if I were in your position and you were still in your position neither one of us could do very much for the other.
Конечно, если бы я был на вашем месте и вы были бы всё так же на своём месте толку нам друг от друга было бы немного.
Since neither you nor I were there, it must be one of the First Ones.
Поскольку это не были ни вы, ни я, видимо, это кто-то из Первых.
Even if it were true, I could never in a million years sell that to Washington, and neither could you.
Даже если это правда, я никогда не смогу послать это в Вашингтон, да и Вы тоже.
You were wrong at the time - he wasn't dead - but that's neither here nor there.
Было время, когда мы ошибались на счёт его смерти, но сейчас он мёртв.
The only thing we had in common was that neither of us knew who you were.
Нас связывало только то, что мы оба не знали, кто ты такой.
Like the fight between you and Sky, you and Broken Sword fought in the depth of your minds. Except neither of you wanted to harm the other, but were content to go through the honorable motions.
И как в вашем поединке с Небесным Воином ваш бой на самом деле не был реален, а скорее всего это был поединок в ваших умах!
Look, the point is, I let it all slide because underneath I knew you were a good guy, but if you bail on Brooke, I will never respect you again and neither will anybody else
Слушай, дело в том, что я закрываю на все это глаза, потому что знала тебя как хорошего парня. но если ты поступишь так с Брук, я перестану тебя уважать, также как и все остальные.
This was happiness : to blissfully drink and get plastered... and to drink yourself blind and deaf in the company of friends... without nagging comments... there were no limits any more... once you were downhill, all you could do was to hit the gas... a real man fears neither death nor a 3-day hang-over.
Это было счастье : блаженно напиться до беспамятства, до слепоты и глухоты, в компании друзей. Вдали от ворчливой жены... больше не оставалось никаких ограничений. Катясь под гору, всё, что ты мог делать - продолжать давить на газ...
But neither of you were there, because you were here, on the Blue Train murdering Madame Ruth Kettering.
Майор Найтон. Никого из Вас там не было. Потому что вы оба в Синем поезде убивали мадам Рут Кеттеринг.
I can't support this, and neither can the Christian kids... - that were gonna make you president.
Я такое не поддерживаю, как и ребята-христиане, которые хотели выбрать тебя президентом.
But you always said the Foxy Boxing girls were neither foxy not good at boxing.
Но ты всегда говорил, что девушки из Боя Красоток никогда не выглядят красотками, когда дерутся.
Or perhaps... neither of you were.
Или, возможно, ни одиного из вас.
When Chloe and I were little girls, we made a promise... neither of us would get married until we found our soul mates the one person in the whole wide world that we were destined to be with... which is why you can't take a 10-year-old on their word.
Когда мы с Хлои были детьми, мы пообещали... что не выдем замуж, пока ни найдем свои половинки того единственного во всем мире, с которым нас суждено быть... Обещания 10-летних девчонок мало стоят...
So, that being the case, I assume it's safe to say that neither of you were there on this particular night?
Значит, я полагаю, можно смело сказать, что никого из вас не было там тем вечером?
And neither you nor Captain Marvel were on my list, let me tell you.
И, знайте, что ни вы, ни капитал Марвел не были в моем списке.
Neither were you.
Neither of you were aware that anyone was trying to break into my compartment today?
Никто из вас не знал, что кто-то пытался проникнуть сегодня в мое купе?
If neither Aiko or I were available, you'd have to do it alone.
Если бы не мы с Айко, тебе пришлось бы делать все самому.
And if I were you I wouldn't trust anyone neither, but it's different here.
И на твоем месте, я бы тоже никому не доверяла, но тут другой случай.
Well, if neither one of you comes forward, I have to assume you both were involved, and you'll both be expelled.
Хорошо, раз ни один из вас не признается, я должен предположить, что вы оба были вовлечены, а значит вы оба будете исключены.
I found myself on the street, but neither of you were nearby.
Я оказался на улице, но никого из вас не было рядом.
You didn't say you were gonna do it neither.
Но и не сказал, что хочешь.
Neither of the defendants will be denying that they were there that night, but you would be wrong in thinking it's irrelevant that Mrs Guthrie subsequently picked them out on an ID parade.
Никто из обвиняемых не будет отрицать того, что они были той ночью в этом доме, но вы будете неправы, если решите, что теперь уже не важно, что именно этих людей миссис Гатри выбрала на процедуре опознания.
So you and Paul were both bitten, but neither of you saw what did it?
Значит, вас с Полом покусали, но никто из вас не видел, кто это сделал?
V. Mom meant you had to rock a bodacious body and a black amex, neither of which were earned by a day job.
значило сделать выдающиеся телеса, используя vip-карту банка. Ничего из этого невозможно получить на обычной работе.
Neither of you were born here, were you?
Вы оба не отсюда, не с острова?
You were let down, Peter... By men who had neither your vision nor your principles.
Питер, тебя подвели люди... которые не разделяли твоих взглядов и принципов.
Neither were you.
Как и ты.
- But they didn't, and neither did you, and you were in over your head.
- Но они этого не сделали, так же как и вы, а вы были во главе всего этого.
Hey, so I haven't called because... well... neither have you, so... you were right... about all of it.
Привет, я не звонила тебе потому что... ну... ты тоже не звонила, так что... ты была права... насчёт всего.
Thank God neither of you were hurt.
Слава богу, что вы не пострадали.
were you there 127
were you not 46
were you talking to me 24
were you alone 34
were you here 16
were you sleeping 48
were you drunk 20
were you waiting for me 17
were you 840
were you aware of that 16
were you not 46
were you talking to me 24
were you alone 34
were you here 16
were you sleeping 48
were you drunk 20
were you waiting for me 17
were you 840
were you aware of that 16
were you close 42
were you hurt 19
were you surprised 19
were you asleep 35
were you worried 21
were you scared 70
were you drinking 25
were you looking for me 29
were you following me 24
were you followed 58
were you hurt 19
were you surprised 19
were you asleep 35
were you worried 21
were you scared 70
were you drinking 25
were you looking for me 29
were you following me 24
were you followed 58
were you in love with her 21
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
you suck 398
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
you suck 398
youtube 39
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
yourself 387
youn 21
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
yourself 387
youn 21
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
yours 1007
your honor 7894
you tell 24
younger 104
you got a pen 63
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you are 6060
you're welcome 5601
youth 73
your honor 7894
you tell 24
younger 104
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741
your full name 16
you are 6060
you're welcome 5601
youth 73