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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ S ] / She left him

She left him Çeviri İspanyolca

668 parallel translation
He hadn't finished it when she left him.
No lo había terminado, cuando ella lo dejó.
She left him several years ago.
Fue un gran escándalo en aquel momento.
-... if she left him.
-... si ella lo dejara.
She left him alone for three days to go off with her boyfriend.
Ella lo ha dejado tres dias solo, para marcharse con su amigo.
Maria said she left him with you.
María dijo que le dejó contigo.
But she's a slave to another of her own age, who's not of our class, who's hiding, scaring her, pulling her strings, who was suspicious of your love, and would only tolerate it if she left him and married you.
Pero es esclava de un chico de su misma edad, que no es de nuestra clase, que se esconde, la asusta, y mueve los hilos, que sospechaba de vuestro amor, y que sólo lo aceptaba si ella se casaba contigo y le dejaba.
No, he had a wife, but I think she left him.
Tal vez sea su esposa. Creo que le abandonó.
She left him.
Le dejó.
You don't know who she left him for, do you?
¿ Sabes por quién le dejó?
Ever since she left him, there's been a real change in him...
Ahora que su mujer le ha dejado no puede dormir sin somníferos.
After she left him, he died. He walked around, but he died.
pero estaba muerto.
She left him just like that.
Ella le ha dejado marchar. Así.
I couldn't hear what he said to her, but it looked like she left him. The husband.
No he oído lo que le decía su marido, pero parece que lo dejó ella.
She left him when she married into our family and hasn't seen him since.
Lo dejó cuando se emparentó con nuestra familia y desde entonces no lo ha visto.
She believed that every man ought to earn enough money to keep him no matter how much your father left him.
Para ella, todo hombre debía ganarse la vida, incluso un rico heredero.
- She left him.
- Se fue.
It's almost time for his graduation, but she had no money left to see him through.
Él iba a graduarse, pero ella no tenía dinero para ir a verle.
At the time of her splendor, she was his lover and left him when his decline began, without ever turning back. "
A la vez que su esplendor, su amante lo abandonó... cuando comenzó su descenso, sin ni siquiera mirar atrás.
He left four years ago and she still thinks about him!
¡ Se fue hace cuatro años, y todavía piensa en él!
She opens the left side of the blanket and takes him into it.
Bueno, abre el lado izquierdo de la manta y lo acoge.
Had she not been so devoted to him, she certainly would've left him, and indeed it would've been better for her had she done so.
Pero ella lo amaba demasiado para irse, hubiera sido lo mejor para ella.
This week I have left three times to have dinner with him and he / she already speaks of having breakfast.
Esta semana he salido tres veces a cenar con él y ya habla de desayunar.
At two o'clock, when he / she left the bar, he / she said that he / she would give him / her a beating.
A las dos, cuando se fue del bar, dijo que le daría una paliza.
Drunk or sober, Marl would have left him anyhow... she was that kind.
Ella era un poco...
The man she left with, Did you know him?
El hombre con el que se fue ¿ Lo conocía usted?
I saw how a man sat next to her, she showed him a note and he left
Vi como un hombre se sentaba, ella le enseñó una nota y él se fue
Look what he's done already. She's left home, sold her business and married him, all in two weeks.
Ha conseguido que lo dejara todo, vendiera su negocio y se casara con él.
Anyway, I told him that she had been here with me and had just left. Then I threw on a negligee and hurried down there, just in case. - Hurried down where?
Le dije que se acababa de marchar me puse una bata y me fui a buscarla.
She's been with him ever since he left here.
Está con él desde que se fugó.
She left with him each time?
- ¿ Se fue con él las dos veces?
She left to meet him.
Ella salió para encontrarse con él.
She just up and left one night and I, I didn't see him since.
Se escapó una noche y desde entonces no lo he vuelto a ver.
- I don't know anything! Did you tell him she left 1 hour ago?
- No sé nada. ¿ Le has dicho que se fue hace una hora?
She betrayed my father a hundred times... and when she finally left him for a young, rich Frenchman... - my father killed himself.
Traicionó a mi padre cientos de veces... y cuando lo abandonó por un joven y rico francés, mi padre se suicidó.
Now, if he called his wife long distance on the day she left, after she arrived in Merritsville, why did she write a card to him saying that she'd arrived in Merritsville?
Si puso una conferencia a su esposa el día que partió, después de que llegara a Merritsville, ¿ por qué le escribió ella una postal diciendo que había llegado bien?
she left those things to him.
Le dejaba éstas cosas a él.
A man who used to work for my grandmother claims she left it to him.
Un hombre que trabajaba para mi abuela dice que ella se la dejó a él.
- Well, she married him... a couple of months after we left.
- Sí. - Se casó con él... dos meses después de que nos marchamos.
But I did go tell that boy's mama where he was, so she could rest easy... till the varmints left out and give him a chance to climb down.
Pero fui a decirle a la madre de ese muchacho donde estaba, para que pudiera estar tranquila... hasta que esas alimañas le dieran la oportunidad de bajar.
She had left him for good and no wonder.
No me extraña que Ie abandonara.
He wrote him a letter-- - but didn't sign it So I wrote a letter and left it in Mama's picture album which she was always looking through
Había leído un libro sobre una persona que quería hacerle daño a otra.
She has left her parents house for him.
ella dejó Ia casa de sus padres por él.
During those two weeks, Ralph had left their daughter Bonnie... with the grandparents and found for himself a better job... in Jacksonville, Florida... but Mrs. White was not to go with him... for, on the advice of Dr. Luther... she decided to stay in town in a furnished room... for further and more regular treatment.
Durante esas dos semanas, Ralph había dejado a Bonnie con sus abuelos y encontró un trabajo mejor en Jacksonville, Florida. Pero la Sra. White no fue con él. Siguiendo el consejo del doctor, se quedó en la ciudad, en un cuarto alquilado, para seguir recibiendo tratamiento.
One of the girls working on the film was madly in love with him and she never left us alone.
Una chica que estaba loca por él no nos dejaba solos.
She was crossed in love and left with an airman he was an impostor and they arrested him so she became a masseuse.
Tuvo un desengaño amoroso y luego se marchó a Milán con un aviador que luego resultó que no era y que fue arrestado. Entonces se puso a dar masajes.
She was Juan's girl, left him just before —
Fue novia de Juan durante mucho tiempo. Acababa de dejarlo.
- She became upset, and left with him.
- Se asustó, claro, y se fue con él.
She left with him.
Se fue con él.
Carried me off to my bed and left me alone so she could go back to him.
Me llevaba a la cama y me dejaba para volver con él.
She would have left him.
Le amenazó con dejarle.
How can we charge him, if she left a note explaining why she did it?
¿ Cómo acusarlo si ella dejó una nota que explicaba el motivo de su muerte?

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